N_Furcadia_IO - StarShip-Avalon-Projects/FurcadiaFramework GitHub Wiki

Furcadia.IO Namespace

This stuff is still in the planning stages. Any questions or Comments are welcome. [This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]


documentation for "N:Furcadia.IO"]



Class Description
Public class FurcadiaIOException Desctiption of FurcadiaIOException.
Public class FurcadiaNotFoundException Desctiption of FurcadiaNotFoundException.
Public class IniFile
Public class IniFile.IniSection IniSection class
Public class IniFile.IniSection.IniKey IniKey class
Public class Paths This class contains all the paths related to the users furcadia installation. NOTICE: DO NOT REMOVE

Credits go to Artex for helping me fix Path issues and contributing his code.


Log Header

Format: (date,Version) AuthorName, Changes.

(Mar 12,2014,0.2.12) Gerolkae, Adapted Paths to work with a Supplied path

(June 1, 2016) Gerolkae, Added possible missing Registry Paths for x86/x64 Windows and Mono Support. Wine Support also contains these corrections.

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