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- sub define_param: API method for defining a new parameter (just like defining a parameter in verilog). Note that using the define_param, parameters can only be defined inside the module to which they belong (i.e., $some_inst->define_param(prm_name => prm_val) will cause a genesis generation error). However, parameters can also be defined at instantiation using the unique_inst method as shown below. Definition at instantiation time overwrites definitions done within the module (just like in verilog). As a middle ground, parameter definitions that are not bounded by instantiation can be set using the input XML configuration file. More details can be found here.
- In this example, the parameter is registered with name prm_name and receive the value prm_val. The value is also returned to the Perl variable $val.
//; my $val = $self->define_param(prm_name => $prm_val);
- sub param_range: API method for specifying an allowed range for a parameter. Two mutually exclusive options are allowed: either specify the range as a list or specify a minimum and/or a maximum. When specifying min/max, it is also possible to specify a step (i.e., the parameter value must be in the specified range and must be an integer number of steps from either min or max).
//; $self->param_range('prm_name', list=>['on', 'off']); Or //; $self->param_range('prm_name', list=>[1,2,4,6,8,10]); Or //; $self->param_range('prm_name', min=>12); Or //; $self->param_range('prm_name', min=>12, step=>2); Or //; $self->param_range('prm_name', max=>18); Or //; $self->param_range('prm_name', min=>12, max=>18); Or //; $self->param_range('prm_name', max=>18, step=>2); Or //; $self->param_range('prm_name', min=>8, max=>18, step=>2);
- sub force_param
- API method for defining an IMMUTABLE parameter. This is pretty much the equivalent of the localparam keyword in Verilog. It defines a parameter which means other modules (up or down the hierarchy) can query its value using the get_param method (see next definition). However, this parameter definition is immutable---it cannot be altered, neither at module instantiation nor through the XML configuration file.
//; my $val = $self->force_param(prm_name => $prm_val);
- sub doc_param: API method for adding a documentation comment to a parameter.
//; $self->doc_param('prm_name', 'documentation of prm_name');