OldAuxiliaryMethods - StanfordVLSI/Genesis2 GitHub Wiki

Older style (still supported) Auxiliary Methods

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sub get_instance_name: Returns the name of the current instance
//; my $someObj_inst_name = $someObj->get_instance_name();

Example: Before (SystemVerilog)

Adder#(.w(8),.n(4)) MyAdder(.in1(a),.in2(b),.out(c));

After (Genesis2)

//; my $my_adder = generate('Adder', 'MyAdder', w=>8, n=>4);
`$my_adder->get_module_name()` `$my_adder->get_instance_name()`
     (.in1(a), .in2(b), .out(c));

Also see sub instantiate, here.

sub get_module_name: Returns the uniquified module name. This task is especially important since whenever we declare a new module we don't really know whether or not it is going to be uniquified, and how many uniquifations of this module already happened. This enables us to leave the dirty work for Genesis.
//; my $module_name = $self->get_module_name();
module `$module_name` (input logic Clk, ... );

// parameterized module code comes here 
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