Genesis2ToDo - StanfordVLSI/Genesis2 GitHub Wiki
This page purpose is to serve as my own memory of things that people point out as needed to improve the user experience with Genesis2.
Please, if you add an item to the list, make sure to also back it up with an email to Ofer Shacham or Steve Richardson
- Improve debug statements: make the perl debug line number correspond to the .vp file instead of the .pm file.
- Add to the xml data structure and add a "$self->comment('text')" method that corresponds to it.
Add param_range and param_doc (probably requires change in xml schema so that params are not titled by name)Change xml schema to make params an ordered arrayhange xml schema to put sub instances under an entity not by their name. make it an ordered list.
Note from Steve: I don't look here for to-do items. I look here instead:
GUI To Do List
Shacham 15:24, 17 March 2011 (PDT)