Project Info - StainedPupil/24h-in-the-world GitHub Wiki
2 part project
Part 1: Mobile App (Android / iOs / BlackBerry)
App access to phone
-Camera -GPS / Location -IMEI (or not)
App function
-Take picture -Geotag Picture -Add Tags (optional) -Send Picture to server, including geotag and IMEI -Write on server Database : IMEI, Picture link, longitude/latitude, Tags, (Server also add GMT timestamp when recieved) -DO NOT KEEP IN PHONE -INSTANT UPLOADE WHEN PIC IS TAKEN ONLY
Part 2 : Website/server (Viewer)
Website Fuction
-Read the database -Link photos to city according to Longitude/Latitude (Define central points of world cities, link to closest point) -Display images that has current GMT -24h over each cities -Filters by TAGS
Server Extra fuction:
-Warning when anormal photos with close Long/Lat are uploaded (What's happening in the world)