Commands Pt.1 - StackMeter/Anti-Alpha GitHub Wiki

Since I don't want to bring Unicode characters in before even deciding on the ASCII characters, the first commands here will be ASCII characters (in order of importance). (NB: list/set/tuple will be called ? from now on.)

Super important things (subsection 1)


Defines a string literal. This is one of the two places that ! is allowed (check the readme for the definition of !).


Ends any line of code, and anything after is treated as a comment. This is the other place that characters in ! can appear, and the ONLY other place that ! characters can appear. If you want them elsewhere, well, tough: go use another language.

0 to 9

Defines a literal number. That's it.

( and ) (ft. [, ], { and })

Each of these pairs of brackets do a whole lotta things. To list them all:

Defines things: ?(....) for a if loop, $(....) for a function, ?[...] for a while loop and ?{...} for a case statement.

Defines tuples: (...); lists: [...]; and sets: {...}

Seperates statements in math: (...)*(...)+(...)

and many other syntax features.

: and ;

Used in all conditional loops: seperates statements, and/or ends lines of code - as well as this, : indexes into lists.

< and >

< prompts input from STDIN - you can place a string directly after this, and then :, to print a certain message, and > prints a variable/message after it to STDOUT.


For the last entry, we have the assignment/equal to operator - it will be useful pretty much everywhere; for example ?(...==...), ?[...!=...], etc. By the way, ... is a valid variable name.

Things that can do math (subsection 2)

+: Addition

When used on a number: adds it to itself if it is the only argument provided, else adds its two arguments together.

When used on a string: concatenates the left string with the right string (if either of these parameters is empty, defaults to the empty string.

When used on ?: appends the value(s) to the list/set/tuple (will be casted to the correct type by the interpreter.

When used in a conditional: OR - ?(...+...)

-: Subtraction

When used on a number: subtracts it from itself if there is one number (useful to zero a variable in one byte, else subtract right from left)

When used on ? or a string: removes all instances of the right from the left - defaults to whitespace on a string.

*: Multiplication

When used on a number or ? - multiplies every element by the right number.

When used in a conditional: AND - for example ?(...*...)

^: Exponentiation

Exponentiates a number or all elements of a ? member with the number on the right. Also, in a conditional: XOR: ?(...^...)

%: Modulus

Modulos a number or ? with the right number.

/: Divison

Divides a number or ? by the right number.

¬: Negation

Negates a number or ?. Unlike most of the operators, this is strictly unary. Also, in a conditional, NOT: ?(¬...)

|: Integer divison

Returns floor(left/right): if there is more than one number, does this for all elements in the list. Also, as I said before, this will split a string on another string, or a list on a list. However, it keeps the original numbers if it was a number on the right, and then floors them.

More of these will be introduced in the math library (when it comes out).

Control flow and variables (subsection 3, and the final one before I actually make the interpreter)


Defines a conditional loop (as stated in the bracket section) - must be followed by a conditional statement.


Defines a variable with the name placed after it: eg, @$%! = 13;$%!, to print 169. Just about any two+-character name is valid, except for a rare subset of 3-char names (aka library functions).


Defines a function, with a name placed in-between the $ and the (. Arguments to be passed to the function can be added with the : and then the variable.

There are no go-to statements, but those will be in the next update (probably).

This is the end of the basic commands - keep an eye out for the Pt.2 and some advanced commands. Many of the ASCII characters not featured here (_, ~, ¦, ,, ., ... wait there's only 5?) will be present in newer updates.

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