Best Tips for Newcomers in Software Developing - SrijibDutta/srijiblog GitHub Wiki

Software development is an incredibly demanded niche, and it’s hard to imagine the modern world without it. And professionals in the sphere often get questions such as, “What would you recommend to newbies and those desiring to start a programming career?”. Of course, the most common answer is, “Be ready to work hard and be open to new knowledge and skills.

Build a Solid Foundation First

This will probably be unique advice, but I think it's important. If you haven't dealt with math for quite some time before you start programming, it's worth revisiting concepts from algebra. Independently on whether you will be working on a casino site, such as Dr.Bet, which seems easy, or a huge technical innovation that is meant to change the world. Trying to remember everything from school classes or attending some courses is a great idea for each newcomer.

Start From Some Free Resources

There’s an opinion that it’s impossible to become a qualified programmer until a person spends numerous years in a university, studying the necessary subjects and passing many exams. However, in the modern world, education has become simpler and more accessible. There are numerous resources to learn more about development, but the best way is to start with free ones. For instance, check and don’t waste additional cash until you are confident that you are passionate about it.

Find Like-Minded People & Communities

Even though it doesn’t seem like a piece of great advice, it can significantly affect your career. And it's not just that you can find friends from your field of activity with similar interests. The main value of such communities is that people offer different resources that helped them get more knowledge and experience. And, of course, it’s a way to receive additional motivation and encouragement from others.

Divide the Problems When You Face Any

Staring into a black code editor without a single thought on what to do is one of the main fear of most developers. And to avoid such a situation, experts recommend dividing a problem into several ones, minimizing these pieces until they become solvable. It’s the easiest way to overcome troubles and continue working with pleasure.

Follow All Trends and Updates

According to Forbes, the industry is skyrocketing, so it’s really impossible to know everything. But regular upgrading skills and studying quality resources will definitely benefit. Of course, this applies to any area, but some industries develop faster than others. Concentrate on what you already know and try to widen your skills.

Do Not Feel Shy to Ask for Help

Persistence and concentration on a positive result is definitely a great idea. And it’s really useful and rewarding to put significant effort into the task and solve a problem with your own resources. However, many developers face situations when they got stuck on an issue and cannot find a way out of it. In such an instance, the best way is to search for help, allowing other specialists to look at the work with fresh eyes.