Automated Management - SrijibDutta/srijiblog GitHub Wiki

Automated Management

In 2020, businesses – especially small and mid-sized businesses – had to rely on IT technology from one day to the other. At the beginning of the pandemic, many businesses that had not implemented digitalization efforts so far had to employ new technologies rather abruptly, to allow their staff and business to communicate and cooperate online to stay afloat.

Many companies have thus found ways to keep their business running. Now is the time to focus on optimizing processes that simplify work and in turn make work more efficient. The keyword is automatization.

Automatization – A Luxury?

It’s not surprising that many small businesses are still one step behind when it comes to digitalization efforts. It is expensive and complex to implement new technologies and systems. The goal is to optimize processes and automate manual labor; many companies have not considered these investments worth the hassle.

Technologies that were once too expensive are now affordable. Today, even smaller businesses have access to hard- and software solutions that allow them to automate a plethora of processes.

Benefits of Automatization – example

The online scheduling software from Meetergo, for example, offers an automated scheduling solution for companies and their clients. Their service has many practical applications: βž” Above all, the software facilitates requests for and the confirmation and registration of appointments. Any participant can enter availabilities and book open appointments. βž” The software can be linked to services like Google Calendar. Any booked appointment will automatically be entered into the schedule so clients won’t be able to double book. βž” Meetergo has its own web meeting client. Any online appointments that were booked with the software can immediately be held right then and there. Naturally, you can also arrange real-life meetings. βž” The software has many additional gadgets like being able to share scheduling widgets, links, embeds, or QR-codes. You can set up automated reminders and integrate payment options like PayPal, so clients can immediately pay for any possible fees.

Every single step makes the process of scheduling appointments easier, even if it was never recognized as a time-consuming activity in the first place. It effectively removes time sinks, like the back and forth of scheduling appointments via phone or e-mail, entering dates into a calendar, double-checking for open and booked slots, and much more.

All in all, using software like Meetergo frees up time that was previously spent on menial tasks. Employees can now concentrate on their actual qualifications for their core tasks. This increases productivity and losses can be reduced.

In the long run, the investment cost for the software is easily surpassed by the benefits of automatization for the business.

**Application Areas for Automatization **

Automatization has a lot of applications in small to mid-sized companies. For example:

  • Staff Management: Typical administrative tasks can be automated by software. IT solutions such as programs, apps, and browser applications for workforce scheduling and time recording or payroll accounting each simplify HR work. Often, they can also be linked together. For example, the payroll program would automatically take data from the time recording software to create automated payrolls.

  • Project Management: Project management can be simplified. One example is Meetergo, the scheduling software mentioned above. Another option is software that automatically assigns tasks, collects, and creates information, and sends notifications.

  • Workflow Optimizing: Automation can optimize the entire work process. One example would be the introduction of handheld scanners and connected databases. In this way, companies such as grocery stores can record their goods simply by scanning them and leave the analysis of the data to the system.


Software solutions are becoming more affordable, and the benefits we gain from using them can have a positive impact on a business. Workflows are streamlined, errors are minimized, and time is freed up so skilled employees can do what they do best. By optimizing workflows and increasing productivity, a company gains competitive advantages that lead to more leads and higher profits.