6 Time Management Apps for Students - SrijibDutta/srijiblog GitHub Wiki

Time-Management Apps for Students

Only the lazy hasn't heard of time management. This technique allows you to allocate your time to achieve your goals rationally. As a result, you will be pleasantly surprised at how much free time you have wasted due to trivial procrastination or wrong priorities. This is especially relevant for students who do not know how to find time for sleep (spoiler alert — it's a piece of cake!). It feels like the closer the exams are, the harder it is to concentrate. The pressure from parents and teachers increases every day, and it seems that you lack time on everything. For sure, you can meditate. Or you may refer to the proven time management technique. And multiple applications will help you achieve the desired result. Together with experienced managers from essaybulls essay writing service, we have found the most popular and high-rated time-management applications for students.


We spend an essential part of our lives online. Do you know what percentage of that part is occupied by meaningless and unproductive actions? RescueTime is designed to save you from wasting time. It tracks everything you do online or offline and then gives you a detailed report. You can analyze what you're wasting your time on and change your habits accordingly. RescueTime also helps you with the latter — the application allows you to block useless websites for a given time. The application runs on Android, iOS, Windows, Mac. You can try it for 14 days for free, and then develop new habits and save your time for only $6.50 per month.


Clear is a simple, well-designed to-do list application that easily lets you keep track of all your current tasks. Sometimes, our lives get too fussy, but Clear helps you see your priority goals as a series of elementary, step-by-step processes. You can categorize your daily tasks into thematic lists and know what you need to do next right away. One of the main advantages of Clear is its fully customizable and easy-to-use interface. With simple gestures, you can add and complete tasks without the slightest thought. Clear is available for iOS, OS X, and Apple Watch. This app organizes your life, allowing you to achieve your goals step by step. Clear syncs with your iCloud account, so you don't have to keep your to-do lists on all your devices. The app teaches you responsibility through reminders and push notifications that focus your attention on what you really need to do. For just $9.99, you will get all these features and more free time.


Timely is an innovative time tracker that shows how much time you spend on each task and helps you organize your studying week more efficiently. Timely plans your week in advance and allows you to estimate the time spent on your daily tasks. By tracking your time, you can compare your predictions with how long a job has actually been done and optimize your schedule in the future. This approach to time tracking will enable you to manage your time more efficiently and put an end to procrastination when performing key projects. Timely is available for iOS and as a browser application.


Nirvana is a new service based on David Allen's famous Getting Things Done (GTD) method. The project's main goal is to free people from memorizing a large number of necessary tasks and focus on a specific ongoing task. The service is based on cloud technology and is available from any computer or mobile device connected to the Internet. Currently, it works with Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari browsers.


It is a music service that uses the experience of neurological research to help you focus and reduce stress. By selecting sound accompaniment, focus@will brings your brain to a state of maximum productivity. To improve efficiency, the program will conduct a short survey before you start using it — for example, to find out if you tend to think logically or abstractly. The application costs $35 per year and promises to boost your productivity by four times.


If you want to eliminate prostration and become more efficient, try the Pomodoro technique. You need to divide your workflow into equal intervals and alternate with your rest. The Pomotodo Time-Management app is a great tool to set up a timer, specify breaks, and monitor your progress.

To make the time management and productivity apps useful, set a goal, choose an application that will positively impact your progress, and enjoy the results.