Write - SrejonKhan/FirebaseRestClient GitHub Wiki


Firebase Rest Client comes with some handy methods to run Write Operations.

  • Basic Write Operation to specific reference - WriteValue()
  • Key-Value Pair Write Operation - WriteKeyValuePair()


Write to specific reference -

var firebase = new RealtimeDatabase();

// Object as payload, it can be any datatypes, even raw Json
firebase.Child("product/orange").WriteValue(anyObject).OnSuccess( () =>
    Debug.Log("Successfully written.");

firebase.Child("price").WriteValue(123); //int
firebase.Child("price").WriteValue(324.25f); //float
firebase.Child("stockout").WriteValue(true); //bool
firebase.Child("product/abc").WriteValue(jsonString); //JSON String

Writing Key and Value Pair to specific reference (suitable for key-value pair leaderboard or similar) -

firebase.Child("leaderboard").WriteKeyValuePair("player123", "123");
firebase.Child("leaderboard").WriteKeyValuePair("player321", "521", true); //append to parent

Use Case

WriteValue() is perfect for writing to a specific reference. Let's say we would like to write a new product information apple to following dataset -

"products" : {
  "cherry" : {
    "id" : "fr242",
    "name" : "Cherry",
    "price" : 12.99
  "kiwi" : {
    "id" : "fr243",
    "name" : "Kiwi",
    "price" : 10.99

So, our code snippet would looks like this -

var orange = new Product("fr244","Orange", 7.99f);

firebase.Child("products/orange").WriteValue(orange).OnSuccess( () =>
    Debug.Log("Successfully written to products/orange.");

In the future, a new requirement added to have Stock Out information for orange product. We can easily add that also -


Or, we can also use another available method -

firebase.Child("products/orange").WriteKeyValuePair("stockout", true);

Let's say, we have a leaderboard. Every time a new player plays our games, we need to add them to leaderboard reference in the database. We need to have this kind of dataset -

"leaderboard": {
 "alovelace": 126,
 "ghopper": 65,
 "eclarke": 576

Now if we need to add a new score of a player -

firebase.Child("leaderboard").WriteKeyValuePair("srejon", 923, true).OnSuccess( () =>
    Debug.Log("Successfully added.");

In the following code, we passed true as third argument of WriteKeyValuePair(). Here, this true represent appending to reference. What we mean by appending is, rather than overwriting whole path we add (patch) that key-value pair to the reference.

For updating a specific reference, please go to Update Page.