LAB ASSIGNMENT 6 - Sreelakshmi-N/CS5560SreelakshmiLabAssignment GitHub Wiki
CS5560 Knowledge Discovery and Management
Name: Sreelakshmi Nandanamudi
Classid: 17
Protege is a free, open-source platform to construct domain models and knowledge-based applications with ontologies.
ProtegeOWL editor: enables users to build ontology for the Semantic Web, in particular to OWL
The W3C Web Ontology Language (OWL) is a Semantic Web language designed to represent rich and complex knowledge about things, groups of things, and relations between things.
OWL Properties represent relationships between two entities.
There are two main properties:
Object properties: to link entity to another entity
Datatype properties: to link entity to XML Schema datatype or rdf:literal
Annotation properties: used to add annotation information to entity (for example label, verisoninformation, comments etc.)
1.In Class Question
Complete the family Ontology as explained in tutorial in the following manner.
i.Create Equivalent Classes for all possible classes
I have created the ontology for the family which contains Person, Ethnicity and Gender classes which may have subclasses for person as Father, Mother etc.I have created the equivalent subclasses for all the subclasses in Person class and in Ethnicity class.
ii.Add additional details to the object properties which don’t have domain or range specified
I have added the object properties which do not have the domain and range specified.
iii.Under the Ethnicity Class, create at least 3 subclasses and 2 object properties
I have created the 5 subclasses under the class Ethnicity which are African,american, Asian, Cuisine and FullName and also I have created 4 object properties for those as shown in the screenshot below.
iv.Add 5 individuals to the Ontologyv.
I have added 6 individuals to the person class as shown in the below mentioned screenshot.
v.Perform SPARQL queries based on your new object properties
The below screenshots will depict the results of the queries performed on the family ontology dataset.
Visualize ontologies and report them from (i),(ii),(iii)and(iv)questions
The below screenshot shows the complete visualization of the family ontology
2.Take home Question
i.Design your own ontology (classes, hierarchy, object and data properties) based one of categories from a.Your own data
I have taken my dataset from domain wiki which contains the detail information about Barak Obama. I have created the knowledge graph using protege for my dataset and created related classes as shown in the screenshot below.
Created the subclasses for the related classes
created the individuals for the related classes and also the data properties,object properties and equivalent classes as shown in the below screenshot.
The below screenshot shows the complete visualization for the given dataset ontology.
b.Yahoo! Answer data (The training data contains 2,698 questions, already labeled with one of the following 7 categories. The test datacontains 1,874 questions that are unlabeled).
ii.Create a sample triplet set from your data based on the object and data properties in your ontology and populate it
Created the relationhips using the object properties for my dataset and populated as shown in the below screenshot.
iii.Formulate 5 valid and informative queries and execute them. Report the results
Created 5 informative queries on my dataset and the below screenshots will display the outputs of the queries executed
Visualize ontologies and report them from (i) and (ii) questions
The below screenshot shows the complete visualization for the Yahoo dataset ontology.