Cloudjumper Commands - SquishyStrawberry/httyd-bots GitHub Wiki

Cloudjumper Commands

These are the commands that Cloudjumper can use, but these are not its methods. For its methods, look in the docstrings.


Methods that can only be used in the channel, and not in private messages. These methods assume that the bot's nick is Cloudjumper, but it could very well be anything else.


An user doesn't need any special flags to use these commands.

Command What it does
Cloudjumper! roll (dice) Rolls an amount of dice with an amount of faces. Syntax for the dice is: [amount of dice, default is 1]d(amount of faces)
Cloudjumper! eat (person) Eats a certain person, who doesn't need to be connected. The person is mandatory, and one person can't be eaten twice.
Cloudjumper! spit (person) Spits out a certain person, who has to have been eaten. The person is mandatory, again.
Cloudjumper! vomit Equivalent to calling spit for all the people in Cloudjumper's stomach
Cloudjumper! stomach Shows Cloudjumper's stomach, meaning all the people that have been eaten.
Cloudjumper! attack (person) Attacks a person, who does not need to be connected.
Cloudjumper! play (move) Plays a round of RockPaperScissors against Cloudjumper. Cloudjumper's move is, obviously, randomly chosen. The move must be Rock, Paper, or Scissors. (case-insensitive)
Cloudjumper! modules Lists the modules currently running.


The user must be whitelisted in order to use these commands.

Command What it does
Cloudjumper! learn (trigger) -> (response) Learns (trigger), saying (response) every time (trigger) is in a message.
Cloudjumper! forget (trigger) Forgets (trigger), meaning it won't respond with its (response) anymore.


The user must be an admin in order to use these commands.

Command What it does
Cloudjumper! terminate Stops the bot.

Private Message Commands

These messages can be executed by doing /msg Cloudjumper (command) (args)


The user does not need any special permissions to use these commands.

Command What it does
list_commands Lists the commands learned by doing Cloudjumper! learn (trigger) -> (response)


The user must be an admin in order to use these commands.

Command What it does
add_flag (user) (flag) Adds the flag (flag) to (user)'s flags. This is how you add whitelist, admin, etc...
remove_flag (user) (flag) Removes the flag (flag) from (user)'s flags. This is how you remove said flags.
list_flags (user) Lists the flags that (user) owns.
purge_commands Removes all the commands that Cloudjumper has learned.
move_channel (channel) Makes Cloudjumper leave the current channel he's in and go to (channel).
reload_config Reloads the config, with feedback in chat.