User Stories - SquiddersInk/Squidder-New GitHub Wiki
User Stories:
"I am a fan of your work and a casual twitter and a fellow coder. I enjoy your project and have downloaded it. I think it is very original that you guys have created Squidder. I think it would be cool if you could search for posts." -
DUde -
"I think your game stuff is cool. I just use this in my spare time. One thing is you should add a team picture so I know who to thank." -
RedStar -
"I LOVE THIS. I USE THIS 24/7. If you guys could add stuff that would be cool." -
BoatyMcBoatFace -
"I love this because it is not blocked! If you could get it out to more people that would be great. IF you add a cooler style that would be nice.