Getting Started - SquarerFive/two GitHub Wiki

Getting started

Note: Message me on Discord (SquarerFive#1337) or visit the support discord server for access to the twoassets ( repository. This repository is not required to build the project but contains the environment, animation and weapon assets that are used in the project.


Cloning the repository

In this tutorial, I am using SourceTree which is free:

Install it and head into the clone tab, set the clone url to

It should look like this:

Clone screen

Now click "Advanced Options" and tick "Recurse submodules". This allows git to clone any other dependencies a submodule may require so the project can successfully build.

Recurse submodules

Click "Clone". This may take a while to complete.

Once it has finished cloning, click on the "Repository" tab and then "Git LFS > Initialize Repository", then click "Git LFS > Pull LFS Content". This must be done to access most assets in the project.

Copying the assets

Once it is done, head into the folder where you cloned the repository. All third-party assets will be stored in the twoassets/ folder. Open it and copy all of the folders into the Content/ folder.

Adding & modifying assets

Any third-party assets imported into Unreal Engine will need to be stored in Content/ThirdParty.

Once you are satisfied with your changes, head into Tools/ and run "run_update_twoassets.bat" in CMD/Powershell (windows) or "" in Python - this copies back any modified third-party and megascan files back into the twoassets folder.

Commit and push the changes

Open Sourcetree and right click on "Submodules > twoassets"

Stage any of your changes and then click push.

Go back into the main two/ repository and then you should see the twoassets submodule in the changes. Stage that change, commit and then push.