HowToUseConverter.en - SpriteStudio/SSPlayerForCCH GitHub Wiki


Converter is an application running on command line(called terminal on Mac).


Run command prompt for Windows or open terminal for Mac with following parameters.

SSCONV  -i input filename1(.ssax)[, input filename2...] [filelist file(.ssf)] [-o output filename]

The keyword SSCONV is supposed to be replaced with the one of the following converter name which you use.

  • SsToCocos2d for Cocos2d-x player(.ssba/.c)
  • SsToCorona for Corona SDK(.lua)
  • SsToHtml5 for HTML5(.json/.js)

Please replace it as you read proper.

About input file.
  1. If you use OPTPiX SpriteStudio 5, specify the exported .ssax file.
  • To export .ssax file, go to Project Settings -> General -> Export -> Animation data format and choose "SSAX."
  1. If you use SpriteStudio4.
    Sorry for Japanese only
モーションデータの保存で、(.ssax) を選択し、SSAX保存時のオプションで  
 **□SpriteStudioPlayer for Unity 3D 用の情報を出力する**  
- 補足:  
こうして出力された .ssax ファイルを入力に指定した場合、同ファイル内の  
<ImageList> タグに記述された画像ファイルを参照ファイルリストとして利用するため、  
後述の .ssf ファイルの指定は不要になります。  
- .ssf ファイルについて  
 SpriteStudio4 のファイル→ファイルリスト出力で作成できる .ssf ファイルです。  
About output file

The file type is determined by converter and a given option.

 SsToCocos2d  .ssba、.c(C language array -c option)
 SsToCorona   .lua
 SsToHTML5    .js .json(-j option)

e.g.) In the case below,

SsToCocos2d -i test1.ssax test2.ssax -o outfile

The output file is "outfile.ssba" formatted as binary. If you omit the part of "-o outfile", output files are test1.ssba test2.ssba.

Those files store the array of referenced images and animation data.

  • Output destination is always current folder.
  • Output file is always overwritten without any confirmation.


  • SsToCocos2d specific options
  • -b or --bf:Output as binary(.ssba).
  • -c or --cf:Output as C language array.
  • -a or --affine:Output for using Cocos2d-x's affine transform.
  • The result of scaled and rotated parts draw is the same with OPTPiX SpriteStudio 5.
  • -m or --nm:Stores image file path as is without any modification.

  • SsToCorona specific options

  • -m or --module:Output as lua module.

  • -n or --nosuffix:Not append "_animation" to animation variable name.

  • -u or --nonull:Not output NULL parts.

  • SsToHTML5 specific options

  • -j or --json:Output as JSON.

  • -n or --nosuffix:Not append "_animation" to animation variable name.

  • Encoding
    -e or --encoding option with the one of UTF8/UTF8N/SJIS arguments to specify character encoding.

  • Others
    To see version number and available options, simply type SSCONV or SSCONV --help and push Enter key.

Appropriate options for the Animation data format of OPTPiX SpriteStudio 5.

For those who choose a format other than SSA/SSAX on Settings -> General -> Export -> Animation data format on OPTPiX SpriteStudio 5, please specify the following for each type.

  • SSP for Cocos2d-x(.c) SsToCocos2d -i NewAnimation_anime_1.ssax --cf

  • SSP for Cocos2d-x(.ssba) SsToCocos2d -i NewAnimation_anime_1.ssax

  • SSP for Corona SDK(.lua) SsToCorona -i NewAnimation_anime_1.ssax

  • SSP for HTML5 (.js) SsToHtml5 -i NewAnimation_anime_1.ssax

  • SSP for HTML5 (.json) SsToHtml5 -i NewAnimation_anime_1.ssax --json

About frame data

	Int		part ID
	Int		reference image ID
	Int		source rect-Left
	Int		source rect-Top
	Int		source rect-Width
	Int		source rect-Height
	Float	position-X
	Float	position-Y
	Float	angle (=Z axis rotation)
	Float	scale-X
	Float	scale-Y
	// Followings are omittable parameters. 
	Int		pivot offset-X		default=0
	Int		pivot offset-Y		default=0
	Int		flip-H				defalut=false
	Int		flip-V				defalut=false
	Float	opacity				default=1.0
	Int		alpha blend type	default=mix
	// Vertex deformation value means pixel unit offset for each vertex. default=0
	Int		vertex deformation-LeftTop-X
	Int		vertex deformation-LeftTop-Y
	Int		vertex deformation-RightTop-X
	Int		vertex deformation-RightTop-Y
	Int		vertex deformation-LeftBottom-X
	Int		vertex deformation-LeftBottom-Y
	Int		vertex deformation-RightBottom-X
	Int		vertex deformation-RightBottom-Y
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️