Correctness13 - SpotBugsExtensionForSpringFrameWork/CS5098 GitHub Wiki

Bug pattern name: Proxied Beans #BeansExceptions


When a bean in the context is proxied using the JDK Dynamic Proxy mechanism, then the proxy will not extend the target bean (it will, however, implement the same interfaces).

Because of this, if the bean is injected by an interface, it will be correctly wired in. If however the bean is injected by the actual class, then Spring will not find a bean definition that matches the class – since the proxy does not actually extend the class.

A very common reason the bean may be proxied is the Spring transactional support – namely beans that are annotated with @Transactional.

For example, if ServiceA injects ServiceB, and both services are transactional, injecting by the class definition will not work:

public class ServiceA implements IServiceA{

    private ServiceB serviceB;

public class ServiceB implements IServiceB{


public class ServiceA implements IServiceA{

    private IServiceB serviceB; // Change to interface 

public class ServiceB implements IServiceB{

Reference List
