Why 4chan X needs to access data from every website? - Spittie/4chan-x GitHub Wiki
Because I've recently introduced a new feature, post images directly from an url, instead of having to download the image, upload it and then delete it.
This is only used in the QR.coffee file, and to be precise in the HandleUrl function. Nowhere else. If you don't trust me, then just check the source by yourself.
Let's make one thing clear: this feature allow to upload directly from an url from OS that don't support that (every Linux DE, as far as I know), and it's nicer to use even if the OS support it (Windows). I also use it. So I'm not going to remove it.
Does 4chan X spies on your data? Absolutely not. As I said before, if you don't trust me you can also check the source (or every request your browser does). Note also that it's "access data from every website", not "run on every website", which mean that I can't run the script on any pages I want. All I can do is to load some remote resources.
I don't like it.
Fine, you can easily remove it from the source by yourself. All you really need to do is to edit Chrome's manifest.json or Greasemonkey's metadata.js, and then build the script.
For Chrome, you need to remove those two lines:
For Firefox:
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @updateURL
// @downloadURL
Then, you'll still have "post from url" icon, but it will not work if you try to use it (well, it will ask you for an url, but not load it). Removing the icon is a bit more work, and anyone interested can start from this commit
Note: after this, you're own your own for updates. You'll have to manually check, and edit the script manually every time.
I don't want to do all of this
Fine by me. I can't force you to use my script, so don't. After all, this is my personal fork, for my pleasure (I'm open to bug/feature requests, but it still remain my personal fork).
There are several forks of 4chan X, many of them without this feature. Just choose one:
If you trust Zixaphir more than me, AppChan X has the same feature.