Installation File Structure - Spicery/Nutmeg GitHub Wiki

Unix Overview

Nutmeg installs to 2 locations:

  • $NUTMEG_HOME: Almost all files are installed under $NUTMEG_HOME/libexec/nutmeg. This is chosen so that $NUTMEG_HOME could be a clean location such as /opt/nutmeg or a well-known location such as /usr/local without causing disruption.
  • $EXEC_DIR: But a couple of very small stub files are put into a directory that should be on the $PATH e.g. /usr/local/bin or ~/bin.

Detailed structure

  • $EXEC_DIR/nutmeg - is a link to the nutmeg executable.
  • $EXEC_DIR/nutmegc - is a tiny bash-script that invokes nutmeg compile and passes all the arguments across. In the fullness of time this might become a small native executable.
  • $NUTMEG_HOME/libexec/nutmeg/compiler/ - contains the published Python 'nutmeg' executable and its support files.
  • $NUTMEG_HOME/libexec/nutmeg/runner/ - contains the published C# runtime engine, which is what nutmeg run invokes.