Block Scopes and the Local Modifier - Spicery/Nutmeg GitHub Wiki

Block scopes

The block ... endblock is used to create a scope with fine-grained control over what is visible and what is not. Unlike a normal lexical scope, where new variables are invisible outside the scope, variables introduced within a block-scope are visible by default. If you want to 'hide' a variable declaration in a block you use the local modifier. The declaration to which this is applied must be at block-scope level, of course.

In the following example, we have two scoped declarations for factorial and f respectively but only factorial is visible from the outside. The use of @nonlocal is optional but helps make the factorial definition stand out.

    def f( n, sofar ):
        if n <= 1:
            n( n - 1, sofar * n )
    def factorial( n ): f( n, 1 ) end

Block scopes can always be introduced implicitly by other syntax. For example, the class ... endclass introduces a block-scope.