Annotations - Spicery/Nutmeg GitHub Wiki


Annotations are additional information or modifications applied to a procedure that typically conveys the intent of the coder for how that procedure is to be used. You can stack as many annotations as you like in front of a procedure definition. e.g.

def add1( n ): n + 1 enddef

At this time there is no support for adding user annotations. This would count as a user-defined language extension, which is a planned feature.

List of Annotations

  • @command - the procedure is an entry-point for the program when called from the terminal
  • @unittest - the procedure is a unit test
  • @allocator - the procedure is an allocator (@transparent, @const(in))
  • @sideffectfree - the procedure does not detectably mutate store (@leakproof) nor detectably perform I/O (@soundproof). It is at liberty to use side-effects that are not detectable from the outside.
  • @clean - the procedure is written without <-- assignments or using I/O internally. It also only invokes other @clean or @sideffectfree procedures. This implies it is @sideeffectfree.
  • @finesse - the procedure is a finesse, which implies it is @sideffectfree, @transparent and @const.
  • @function - the procedure is a function, which implies @sideffectfree, @transparent and @const.
  • @leakproof - the procedure does not write to external mutable store.
  • @impervious - the procedure does not read or write to external mutable store - internal store can be referenced. Note that being @impervious implies @const(in).
  • @soundproof - the procedure does not perform any I/O.
  • @transparent - the procedure is both @impervious and @soundproof. Hence its outputs depend only on the inputs so that the same inputs will always deliver the same results.
  • @const(in), @const(out), @const - the procedure only has const inputs, const outputs or both
  • @val(in), @val(out), @val - the procedure only has val (or const) inputs, val (or const) outputs or both throughout
  • @resource - the value is loaded at runtime from the resources
  • @local, @nonlocal - scope within a block/endblock construct
  • [@lazy][Lazy] - the procedure defers all arguments involved in function calls (i.e. yields futures)

Fundamental Annotations

The following annotations relate to core concepts in Nutmeg.

  • @clean
  • @leakproof & @impervious
  • @soundproof
  • @const(in), @const(out), @const
  • @val(in), @val(out), @val

Procedures fall into a rough hierarchy of function-ness in Nutmeg:

  1. General procedures that can do anything - just called procedures
  2. Allocators that can only use assignments on local store, only take const inputs, do not do i/o
  3. Clean procedures that can't use assignments or i/o but can only call cleans, finesses or functions - called clean procedures or 'cleans'
  4. Finesses that only accept and return const values, do not perform i/o or assign non-local store and can only call other finesses or functions
  5. Functions that only accept and return const values, do not perform i/o, can't use side-effects and can only call other finesses or functions

They are related by which properties they have from

  • Side-effect free: @clean - clean procedures and functions
  • Do not affect non-local store: @leakproof - finesses, allocators and functions
  • const inputs: @const(in) - finesses, allocators and functions
  • const outputs: @const(out) - finesses and functions

Venn diagram of annotations