cut macros - SpiRIT-Collaboration/BeamAnalysis GitHub Wiki
These macros are used to make cuts: some to reduce background, some to specify isotopes.
PlasticCorr.C This macro produces correlation plots for the four plastic scintillators at F3, F7, F13_1 and F13_2. Note there is not a plastic scintillator at F5. For each plastic, a plot is made of ln(qR/qL) vs. tL-tR. These are two measures of the left-right position. Uncorrelated events should correspond to bad events which cannot be properly reconstructed, and should be removed. See for more information. The cuts have to be made by hand. The macro outputs 4 root files and 4 png files. The root files can be used to make a graphical cut. See e.g. page 33 for making a graphical cut. Sample cuts for 132 Sn are provided in cut/plastic_cuts/F*cut.2819.root.
PPAChits.C This macro is under construction A slightly modified version of AnaBeamMultiHits2.C. I want to make this a .cpp file so it can be an executable that is performed for each run that is processed with This outputs a root file with a tree "tr" containing leaves: "neve" event number to facilitate merging, "nppachit" the total number of hits on ppacs, "nf7ppac1hit" the number of hits on F7PPAC1, "nf7ppac2hit" the number of hits on F7PPAC2, "f7ppac1_nhit_first" unknown, "f7ppac1_nhit_second" unknown, "f7ppac1_firsttdc_ave" unknown, "f7ppac1_secondtdc_ave" unknown, "ggec" not yet working, but intended to flag for events with early gg closing.