Overview - SpiRIT-Collaboration/BeamAnalysis GitHub Wiki
We have a final objective of producing root files of beam information to incorporate with other elements of the analysis. We want these final root files to be easy to read and use.
Currently, we can produce two types of output files. "RIDFtoROOT.cpp" uses the "BeamBeam" and "BeamRaw" classes to produce an output with many variables from the beamline detectors. The output is not as easy to use, as it must be read event by event, but the large amount of information can be useful for setting configuration files. "RIDFtoBeamROOT.cpp" produces a regular root output with information pertinent to other analysis.
After the configuration files and cuts have been determined using "RIDFtoROOT.cpp" routine, the final output can be produced using the "RIDFtoBeamROOT.cpp" routine. These executables are managed using bash scripts, "runRIDF.sh" and "OutputRunRIDF.sh". These bash scripts manage the linking of correct configuration and cut files, mapped by the file "ridf_events.csv"
An overview pdf is contained within this repository: overview