Controls - Spencer-Kotys/Welcome-to-ROM GitHub Wiki
Hold 'W' to move forward.
Hold 'A' to move left.
Hold 'S' to move down.
Hold 'D' to move right.
Press 'Spacebar' to interact with objects/NPS.*
Move the 'Mouse' and press 'M1' to select options that pop up on screen.
Use the 'Scroll Wheel' on your mouse to scroll through dialog windows.
Pause Menu
Press 'Esc' to open the pause menu.
*Note that you must be actively moving into an object while pressing 'Spacebar' in order to initiate the dialogue.
For example, when trying to interact with the HS sprite, press 'W' to walk into the sprite and press 'Spacebar'
while holding 'w' to initiate the dialogue. This can be a bit awkward and was a weird side effect of how Godot
detects collisions.