Connect Proxy - SpaceK33z/web-to-plex GitHub Wiki

Connection Settings | Proxy Settings

Use this section to control the extension's proxy connection settings



  • Force Secure Connections — forces all insecure (HTTP) connections to be proxied through HTTPS.
  • Proxy URL & Syntax — specify the proxy URL (and syntax) to use
    • {url} OR {raw-url} — the URL of the page, without any changes
    • {enc-url} OR {encode-url} — encodes the URL (i.e. all " " become "%20")
    • {b64-url} OR {base64-url} — encodes the URL using Base-64 (btoa)
  • Proxy Headers — specify the headers to pass to the proxy
    • Header="Value"
    • Header=Value
    • Header=@property (allows basic parsing of objects, where @ represents top/window)
    • Header=@{...} — returns the same values as the Proxy URL & Syntax section
  • Native Proxy Settings — your computer's network settings (Windows only)
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