MVP List - SouVangLee/FishNGames GitHub Wiki

MVP List

FishNGames, a BassProShop clone, is a website that allows users to purchase products that pertain to outdoor activities such as fishing, camping, and hunting.

1. Hosting on Heroku (Due 04/05/2021, 1 Day)

2. Create User Sign-Up, Login/Logout, Guest/Demo Login (Due 04/07/2021, 2 Days)

  • Users will be able to sign up.
  • Users will be able to login/logout of their account.
  • Guests/Demo Users can use most of the features, except for leaving reviews and adding to favorites.

3. Product Listings (Due 04/10/2021, 3 Days)

  • A product name, price and rating will be displayed next to each product's picture.
  • Clicking on a product will take the user to the item's show page where it will display the item's description, the quantity amount they can purchase, and add to cart button.

4. Reviews (Due 4/14/2021, 2 Days)

  • Users can create, update, and/or remove a review.
  • Users can give a rating between 1-5 stars.
  • Users can only write a review on products they have purchased.
  • Reviews will be shown below each product.
  • Guests/Demo Users cannot leave a review.

5. Shopping Cart (Due 4/12/2021, 2 Days)

  • Users/Guests will be able to add products, edit quantity, and remove items from the cart.

6. Search (Due 4/16/2021, 2 Days)

  • Users/Guests can search for any product.
  • Users/Guests may search through a filter for a specific category/price/item.

7. Production README (Due 4/17/2021, 0.5 Days)

8. Bonus: Categories (Due 4/18/2021, 1 Day)

  • Each product will be put into their respective category.
  • Clicking on a specific category will take the user to that category's show page.

9. Bonus: Favorites

  • Users can add products to their favorite's list.
  • Guests do not have a favorites list.