Backend Routes - SouVangLee/FishNGames GitHub Wiki
Backend Routes
API Endpoints
POST /api/users
- user sign up
GET /api/users/:id
- show's user's profile page
POST /api/session
- log in user
DELETE /api/session
- log out user
GET /api/categories/:category_id/
- display all the products for the specified category
GET /api/products/{search_input} -
displays all the products that match the search input
GET /api/products/:product_id
- display all of the reviews for the product with the given id
POST /api/reviews/
- current user can create a review for the product with the given id
PATCH /api/reviews/review_id
- current user can edit their own review for the product with the given id
DELETE /api/reviews/review_id
- current user can delete their own review for the product with the given id
SHOW /api/reviews/review_id
- fetch the current review from the database for that specific product
GET /api/cart_items
- fetches all of the items for the current user
PATCH /api/cart_items/:id
- current user can update a product in their cart
DELETE /api/cart_items/:id
- current user can remove a product from their cart
GET /api/favorites
- show's the current user's favorites list
POST /api/favorites
- current user can add a product to their favorite's list
DELETE /api/favorites/:id
- current user can remove a product from their favorite's list