Project plans - Sothus/SmartPiHome GitHub Wiki
Project plans
This chapter describes project elements which are planned to be implemented. Each element have time estimation, person responsible for that element and short specification.
Table of contents
- Home Page
- RGB LED Handler
- Humidity sensor Handler
- User authentication
- Django Channels integration
- Light control page
- Temperature control page
- Thermometer handler
- Garage Parking Assistant
Home page
ETA: 3 days
Responsible: KP
Status: Done
- Simple page with product description
- Navbar with button to other parts of webpage for example: "Login", "Lights", "Statistics"
RGB LED Handler
ETA: 3 days
Responsible: DO
Status: Done
- Script which allows user to choose intensity of each color (Red, Green, Blue) and instantly set it on GPIO
- Script should be writen in OOP paradigm for further use in project
Hardware requirements:
- 1x - RGB LED
- 3x - 340 Ohm resistors
Humidity sensor Handler
ETA: 3 days
Responsible: DS
Status: Open
- Script shows values given by humidity sensor
- Script should be writen in OOP paradigm for further use in project
Hardware requirements:
- Humidity sensor
- A/D converter
User authentication
ETA: 7 days
Responsible: N/A
Status: Open
- User login system
- Two types of accounts: admin, user
Django Channels integration
ETA: 2 Days
Responsible: N/A
Status: Open
- Add needed modification to web appliaction to make them compatible with Django Channels
Light control page
ETA: 2 Days
Responsible: N/A
Status: Open
Possible to be done when Django Channels integration will be finished.
- Add page which will allow to control lights in home
- Allows to turn on/off the light
- Allows to control light color if light have that feature
- Allows to add and remove lights from admin account
Temperature control page
ETA: 3 days
Responsible: N/A
Status: Open
Possible to be done when Django Channels integration will be finished.
- Add page which will allow to control temperature in home
- In current version changing temperature will be represented by servo
- Changing temperature will change angle of servo
Thermometer handler
ETA: 2 days
Responsible: N/A
Status: Open
- Script which returns current temperature from sensor
- Script should be writen in OOP paradigm for further use in project
Garage Parking Assistant
ETA: 3 days
Responsible KP
Status: Done
- Functionality which will inform driver how far is from wall
- Distance will be described by 4 LEDs. During car approach next leds will lights up.
- Also dangerously close distance will be informed by emitted sound from buzzer.
- Created script should allow to work with remote Raspberry in the same LAN
- Create script which handles ultrasonic
- Create script with main functionality
Hardware requirements:
- 1x - HC-SR04 sensor (US-015 should be fine)
- 2x - Red LEDs
- 1x - Yellow LED
- 1x - Green LED
- 1x - Buzzer
- 4x - 340 Ohm resistors
- 1x - 1.2 kOhm resistor
- 1x - 2.2 kOhm resistor