The problem - Sophievanderburg/ilojo-bar GitHub Wiki

The problem

Ilojo Bar or Casa do Fernandez was an iconic national monument in Lagos, Nigeria, which was illegally demolished in 2016. Ilojo Bar was designed and built by Africans returning from slavery in Brazil in the 1800s. Legacy would like an English-language website that becomes a virtual monument of this special building and the many stories surrounding it.

User stories

Read, listen and watch stories about Ilojo Bar As a resident of Lagos, Nigerian, member of the Nigerian diaspora or interested world citizen, I want to be able to read, listen and see stories about Ilojo Bar online so that I can learn more about the significance of the building for the metropolis of Lagos and of the cosmopolitan history of it, leading > from Spain to Brazil to Nigeria.

Add stories about Ilojo Bar As an artist/visitor I want to be able to add a story about Ilojo Bar to the website, so that I can convey and complement the meaning of the building.

Experience Ilojo Bar As a resident of Lagos, Nigerian, member of the diaspora or interested citizen of the world, I want to be able to get a virtual impression of the building so that I can see what it once was like.