Installation - SoonerRobotics/SCR-Resources GitHub Wiki


As of 2019 in SCR, we use ROS Melodic (In the past we used ROS Kinetic). To install this, you'll need a Linux OS - a lot of our members have experience with Ubuntu, so the choice operating system for ROS Melodic will be Ubuntu 18.04

Details about how to install ROS Melodic are on the ROS website. Check out the Linux Dual Booting guide for help with Linux installations if you haven't dual booted your computer before.

Legacy Instructions

We used to use ROS Kinetic, but once ROS Melodic got enough traction to support all the ROS packages we like, we made the switch to the newer version. The below instructions are out of date, but still can be useful for personal projects or understanding how we use ROS

Installing ROS Kinetic on the Raspberry Pi

Raspbian Strech Image w/ ROS and OpenCV

The link below will lead you to an image for installing ROS Kinetic on a raspberry pi. It also has a guide, which is linked further below.

Installation Instructions Link

This is the link to instructions on how to install the above image: Read below to understand how to do particular steps in the process

  • Use dd if="location-of-rosbots-info-file.img" of="/dev/xyz" to install the image to SD card. This might take a while and there probably won't be any output until it's done
  • Add a file named "ssh" to the boot partition after the above installation completes
  • Boot up like the instructions say
  • To connect to the pi, use an ethernet cable. On Ubuntu, click on the wifi icon and click Edit Connections.... Find the Wired Connection and edit it. Change the IPv4 setting from Automatic (DHCP) to Shared to other computers.
  • Next, we need to find the IP address. Do this by running the arp command on Ubuntu (install if needed).
  • Follow the link's instructions from step 6 onwards
  • Stop before you get to the "Setting up a new Raspberry Pi" step. Only read that if you want to make your own image or something
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