Helpful Packages and Cheatsheet - SoonerRobotics/SCR-Resources GitHub Wiki
ROS has many helpful packages for our robots. When you find one that is cool, just list it below! Also, please post a link if the package is hard to find by its name
- rosserial - package for serial communication across devices
ROS has a lot of terminal commands, some of which are **extremely useful **for debugging. A list of the most useful ones is below, along with a short description of what they do.
Regular ROS commands
- **roscore - **starts a master session of ROS
- roslaunch - starts a master session of ROS, while also launching a particular launch file (which acts as a script to launch the many nodes in a program)
Elite Debugging Commands
- rqt_graph - shows a diagram of all the nodes and topics currently running, as well as how they are connected, if they are a dead sink, or if they are not even being used
rostopic - gets topic information from the ROS master
- rostopic list - shows a list of all the topics currently running
- **rostopic show [topic] - ** shows the message a specific topic has
rosnode - gets node information from the ROS master
- rosnode list - shows a list of all the nodes currently running