Wilcoxon Sign Test - SoojungHong/StatisticalMind GitHub Wiki
The Wilcoxon Signed Rank test is a non-parametric analysis that statistically compared of the average of two dependent samples and assess for significant differences.
The Wilcoxon sign test is the non-parametric alternative of the dependent samples t-test.
Questions Answered:
Are test scores different from 4th grade to 5th grade on the same students?
Does a particular diet drug have an effect on BMI when tested one the same individuals?
Data comes from two matched, or dependent, populations.
The data is continuous.
Because it is a non-parametric test it does not require a special distribution of the dependent variable in the analysis.
The Wilcoxon Sign test is a repeated measures test of dependency. This test is mathematically similar to conducting a Mann-Whitney U-test (which is sometimes also called Wilcoxon 2-sample t-test). It is also similar to the basic principle of the dependent samples t-test, because just like the dependent samples t-test the Wilcoxon sign test, tests the difference of observations when the observations are matched.