Land and Resource Rights Community Research and Segment Analysis Initial Task - SonaliAg/Cadasta GitHub Wiki
Initial Task for Application: As a first task, please propose a list of 10 questions you would ask a land and resource rights expert in order to answer these two questions.
1: What is the biggest technology or workflow barrier they encounter during their normal activities.
1)What are different technologies and tools are used in the daily activities like for the communication and the collection of the data.
2)What are the purpose of each of these.
3)What type of data is mostly handled and how it is cataloged and documented.
4)What are the activities which are necessary but do not include technology (to find out whether those activities can be made more efficient using technology)
5)What are your specific activities and what purpose do they solve.
6)Which part of the workflow takes the most time.
7)What are the mobile activities(activities done while moving) and how they are done like mobile data collection and communication with each other.
2. What is their strategic role in the land and resource rights ecosystem.
1)What is your role,background and experience in this field.
2)What is the skill-set required and most frequent task done by you.
3)Who are the people you constantly have to engage with.
4)What type of results does your work give and how does it help.
5)Which projects you have worked on.