DFS01 DFS02 Basic Config - SomethingGeneric/sparkle.local GitHub Wiki

DFS01 Setup

Rename PC to dfs01-shimmer

  • Run sconfig > Select Computer Name > Input computer name (e.g. dfs01-shimmer) > Lastly, exit to the Main Menu and Reboot.


^^Screenshot of sconfig being used the hostname successfully configured for dfs01-shimmer.

Configure Static IP

  • Run sconfig > Select Network Settings > Select Network Adapter > Configure IP information > Lastly, exit to Main Menu and the new Static IP should now be set.


^^Screenshot of sconfig being used to show the IP settings for dfs01-shimmer.

Joining dfs01-shimmer to the domain

  • Run sconfig > Select Domain/Workgroup > Specify the domain name (e.g. sparkle.local) > Use a domain admin credential to join the system to the domain > Lastly, we can reboot the system to apply the new changes and join the system to the domain.


^^Screenshot of sconfig being used to show dfs01-shimmer successfully joined to the sparkle.local domain.

DFS02 Setup

The setup for DFS02 will be similar to the configuration for DFS01. The only differences are that DFS02 will use a hostname of dfs02-shine and will also use a separate Static IP address for its network adapter.


^^Screenshot of sconfig being used the hostname successfully configured for dfs02-shine.


^^Screenshot of sconfig being used to show the IP settings for dfs02-shine.


^^Screenshot of sconfig being used to show dfs02-shine successfully joined to the sparkle.local domain.

Adding DFS01 and DFS02 to the list of managed servers on Mgmt01

  • On Mgmt01, Open Server Manager > Select Manage > Add Servers > Find Now > Add both DFS01 and DFS02 to be managed by Mgmt01 > Click OK to apply changes.


^^Screenshot of Server Manager being used to successfully add both dfs01-shimmer and dfs02-shine to Mgmt01's Server Management Panel.