Outline of DDR Score Tracker app - Somatech27/DDRScoreTracker GitHub Wiki
Purpose: This DDR score tracking application project is to enable a person to quickly, and easily record new player scores after completing a song on a DDR or ITG cabinet.
Key Features:
- Be mobile friendly.
- Quickly enter new scores after completing a song.
- See history of previous scores on that song.
- Review high scores from all songs tied to a user’s account.
- Offline mode.
- Personalized user account.
- Once logged in, scored automatically recorded under the user’s 4 character arcade cabinet codename.
- Scores recorded are private by default, and can later be published to be viewable by the public.
- Under user account settings, add setting “All scores are public.”
Desired Features:
- SSL encrypted sessions.
- In addition to recording user scored under the user’s 4 character arcade cabinet codename, a user account can also assign a “username” to their account, if desired.
- Pictures can also be used to enter a new player score, instead of entering score manually.