Collaborative Wiki Process - SolarZephyr/BS GitHub Wiki
How to modify files with Git:
This process is important mainly for pages being modified by more than one person at a time. It prevents accidentally removing any data another person has added while you were busy modifying an old version of any given page.
Step 1: Clone the Wiki Repository to your computer.
Step 2: Make a new branch before you begin any modifications.
git checkout -b exampleBranchName
Step 3: Make changes to the file that is being worked on collaboratively.
Step 4: Commit changes. (Replace "What has been changed" with comments about your changes)
git commit -am "What has been changed"
Step 5: Push your branch to the local branch.
git push -u origin exampleBranchName
Step 6: Switch to local branch.
git checkout master
Step 7: Pull current wiki to be your local branch.
git pull
Step 8: Merge local branch with your modified branch.
git merge exampleBranchName
Step 9: Push everything to be on the wiki.
git push
Note: If you're modifying a page that no one else is, it is completely fine to just use the edit tools provided online, they are much more intuitive and allow for quick modification.