Declaring Thrift types - SolalPirelli/ThriftSharp GitHub Wiki


[ThriftStruct( "Person" )]
public sealed class Person
    [ThriftField( 1, true, "name" )]
    public string Name { get; set; }

    [ThriftField( 2, false, "age", DefaultValue = 18 )]
    public int Age { get; set; }

This is equivalent to the following Thrift IDL:

struct Person {
    1: required string name;
    2: optional i32 age = 18;

Properties not marked with the ThriftField attribute are ignored.


public enum Gender
    Male = 1,
    Female = 2

This is equivalent to the following Thrift IDL:

enum Gender {
    male = 1,
    female = 2


[ThriftService( "DirectoryService" )]
public interface IDirectoryService
    [ThriftMethod( "search" )]
    Task<Person[]> SearchAsync( [ThriftParameter( 1, "name" )] string name );

This is equivalent to the following Thrift IDL:

service DirectoryService {
    list<Person> search( 1: string name );

As you may have noticed, the second method's return type is wrapped in a Task<T>; it's an asynchronous call. Synchronous calls are not supported.

Methods throwing exceptions

Exceptions are declared in the same way as structs:

[ThriftStruct( "NoPictureFound" )]
public sealed class NoPictureFoundException : Exception
    [ThriftField( 1, true, "error" )]
    public string Error { get; set; }

and used by declaring them on a service method :

[ThriftService( "PictureService" )]
public interface IPictureService
    [ThriftMethod( "getPictureUrl" )]
    [ThriftThrows( 1, "npf", typeof( NoPictureFoundException ) )]
    Task<string> GetPictureUrlAsync( [ThriftParameter( 1, "p" )] Person person );

The above two declarations are equivalent to the following Thrift IDL:

exception NoPictureFound {
    1: required string error;

service PictureService {
    string getPictureUrl( 1: Person p ) throws (1: NoPictureFound npf);
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️