MongoDB - SoftwareSandbox/Fiazard GitHub Wiki
An entire page devoted to stuff we encountered related to Datamodeling in MongoDB.
Choosing a dropwizard module
At first sight there are two OSS projects I found. There's CommerceHub OSS's version and there's eeb's version.
CommerceHub OSS's
CommerceHub seems to have better support, nicer/cleaner documentation and seems to be more active (3 people supporting CommerceHub, main contributor to dropwizard-mongo mhurne is generally more active on github than eeb.)
They also have a proper release plan which delivers an pluggable gradle dependency.
This repo is also featured on dropwizard's 3rd party module page.
Eeb's repository has more stars, and a way to configure multiple connections (something that CommerceHub might also have but haven't looked into yet).
This one also comes with HealthChecks.
This repo is not very much supported and according to the contributor himself, is very new, but then hasn't committed anything in 6 months.
First choice is CommerceHub OSS's, eventhough submitting improvements feels kinda shitty, because I'd somehow rather support Eeb since he is on his own (and has more stars). But in the end I'd rather support something that is more alive than the other, so CommerceHub it is.