Cluster: Goals - SoftwareEngineeringGroupProject/SEGP1B-Cluster3 GitHub Wiki
WEEK 6 - SCRUM Master: Khanh
- COMPLETE 08/09 - Design Dashboard HTML - Khanh & Lingsheng
- COMPLETE 08/09 - Basic Admin Dashboard Framework (in Ruby) - Khanh
- COMPLETE 08/09 - Move all code from Server to GitHub
- COMPLETE 08/09 - Move all documentation and Collaboration from Google Docs to Github
- COMPLETE 08/09 - Move to a single code base
WEEK 7 - SCRUM Master: Andrew
- COMPLETE 15/9 - password security
- COMPLETE 06/10 - account permissions
- gather past project info
- finalise portfolio overview
- COMPLETE 16/09 - Planning report template
WEEK 8 - SCRUM Master: Sam
- COMPLETE 16/9 - Merge branches within group - Sam
- COMPLETE 06/10 - Set up auto mailing - Khanh
- COMPLETE 06/10 - Redesign Industry User Dashboard - Linsheng
- Create Industry User Dashboard - Linsheng
- COMPLETE 16/9 - Actually finish account permissions/login/sign up - Sam
- COMPLETE 06/10 - Finish at least 3 sections of the Final Report - Sam
- COMPLETE 16/9 - Merge branches within group - Andrew
- COMPLETE 06/10 - Overview - Kamal
- Specific Project Selection - Andrew
- Link Overview/Specific Project with Database - Quin
- COMPLETE 07/10 - Merge all changes between groups into a stable working cluster copy - Sam & Khanh & Kamal & Quin
WEEK 9 - SCRUM Master: Kamal
- COMPLETE (07/10) - Install Ruby on Rails on Linux instead Windows - Linsheng
- COMPLETE (14/10) - Create Industry Dashboard - Linsheng
- COMPLETE (14/10) - Add Extra Delete Pending to Industry Dashboard and Thankfull page for Submission - Linsheng
- Joining Final Report Creation - Linsheng
- COMPLETE (12/10) - Create User Profile (Edit user details etc) - Sam
- COMPLETE (12/10) - Password Reset/Forgotten Password Facility - Sam
- COMPLETE (10/10) - Create User Permission Groups - Sam
- COMPLETE (13/10) - Design Prospective Project Database fields - Sam
- Modify Dashboard layout (due to extra fields) - Khanh
- COMPLETE (14/10) - Group Merge - Khanh
- COMPLETE (09/10) - Compile Project Meta-data/photos - Andrew
- COMPLETE (09/10) - Adding location map to contacts tab - Andrew
- COMPLETE (09/10) - Home Page Slider - Andrew
- COMPLETE (09/10) - Design Past Project database (Good DB design - separate members/group model etc.) - Kamal
- COMPLETE (10/10) - Display Individual Project View (Linkable from overview) - Quin
- COMPLETE (14/10) - Group Merge - Kamal
- COMPLETE (14/10) - Perform Cluster Merge - All
- COMPLETE(Group 7) (14/10) - Each group start on group report
WEEK 10 - SCRUM Master: Quin
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