05 manage edge deployment - SoftwareAG/edge-k8s-operator-docs GitHub Wiki

Modify Edge deployment

The Edge Kubernetes Operator makes it easier for you to use Edge on Kubernetes. Instead of making changes to the Edge deployment by hand, you specify changes to the Edge CR in the manifest file, then use kubectl apply to apply these changes. The Operator picks up on the changes and does what it needs to do in order to make them happen.

For this example, assume that the Edge is deployed using the Sample Cumulocity IoT Edge Manifest file.

Example Configuration Change

Change the spec.domain field to edge.myown.iot.com and if required update the license-secret accordingly.

Save the manifest file, then use kubectl to apply the change.

kubectl apply -f cumulocity-iot-edge-manifest-UPDATED.yaml

Post this, follow the steps in Verify Edge deployment to verify the Edge deployment.

Version upgrade

The Operator follows the recreate update strategy to upgrade the Edge deployment.

The recreate update strategy is an all-or-nothing process that updates all aspects of the system at once with a brief downtime period. The Operator selects all outdated Pods and deactivates them at once. Once all old Pods are deactivated, the Operator creates updated Pods for the entire system. Edge is inoperable, starting at the old Pod’s deactivation and ending once the final updated Pod is created.

For this example, assume that Edge is deployed using the Sample Cumulocity IoT Edge Manifest file.

Start the Upgrade

To upgrade the Edge deployment, change the sepc.version field in the Edge CR to the desired version, for example to 1014.0.1.

Save the manifest file, then use kubectl to apply the change.

kubectl apply -f cumulocity-iot-edge-manifest-UPDATED.yaml

Post this, follow the steps in Verify Edge deployment to verify the Edge deployment.

Undeploy Edge

You can undeploy Edge either by,

  • Deleting the Edge Custom Resource with the command kubectl delete <type> <name> [-n <namespace>] | --all | -l <label>]
    • For example, you can delete the cumulocity-iot-edge CR with kubectl delete Edge cumulocity-iot-edge -n cumulocity-iot-edge
  • Through the manifest file you used to deploy Edge.
    • For example, you can undeploy by executing kubectl delete -f cumulocity-iot-edge-manifest.yaml.
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