01 overview - SoftwareAG/edge-k8s-operator-docs GitHub Wiki

The Cumulocity IoT Edge Kubernetes Operator automates the deployment and management of the Cumulocity IoT Edge on Kubernetes. The Operator manages a Custom Resource Definition (CRD) to extend the Kubernetes API for Cumulocity IoT Edge.

You can deploy and manage the Cumulocity IoT Edge on a Kubernetes cluster by updating Cumulocity IoT Edge Custom Resource (CR). Instead of making changes to the deployment by hand, you specify changes in the Cumulocity IoT Edge CR file and use kubectl apply to apply these changes. The Operator picks up the changes and does what it needs to do to make them happen.

This documentation includes a sample manifest Cumulocity IoT Edge Manifest you can use to deploy Edge on Kubernetes.

Henceforth, Cumulocity IoT Edge will be referred to as Edge.

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