1. User Stories - Software-Design-2022/DFMPC-Student-Placement-System GitHub Wiki

Sprint 2

  • As the user, I should be able to click on a panic button while on any interface after logging in, which will take me to the emergency protocol interface.
  • As the user, I should be able to click on a profile icon, that will allow me to have user settings and the ability to change the profile image.
  • As the user, while on the schedule interface, I should be able to see a weekly dated calendar with upcoming assessments.
  • As the user, I should be able to click on a calendar day and be taken to an agenda for the day.
  • As the user, while on the dashboard I should have access to a different calendar view that has a daily dated view of upcoming events.
  • As an admin, I should have a separate system that can not be accessed from the student application, so that I can manage protocols and users.
  • As an admin, I should be able to add, delete and update users.
  • As an admin, I should be able to add, delete and update protocols.

Sprint 3

  • As an authenticated user, upon logging in, I should be able to have access to a panic button at all times that will direct me to an emergency protocols page and allow me to issue queries.
  • As an authenticated user, from the dashboard to schedules/calendar interface, I should have access to a schedules calendar.
  • As an authenticated admin user, from the dashboard I should have access to an events interface that allows me to have access to an events calendar view.
  • As an authenticated admin user, I should have access to student placement events and manage student placement schedules.
  • As an authenticated admin user, from the events interface, I should have access to a dropdown menu for each event creation that allows me to assign a specialty rotation including the start and end dates.

Sprint 4

  • As an authenticated user, upon logging in, I should be able to have access to a panic button at all times that will direct me to an emergency protocols page and allow me to issue queries.
  • As an authenticated user, from the dashboard to schedules/calendar interface, I should have access to a schedules calendar.
  • As an authenticated admin user, I should have access to a website interface that allows me to manage users, emergency medical protocols, student schedules and general events.

Sprint 5

  • As an authenticated user, upon logging in, I should be able to interact with an updated User Interface
  • As an authenticated user, after submitting an emergency message, I should get a push notification from the activity center of the device and an alert on the screen
  • As an authenticated user I should be able to tap a short link that will take me to the relevant page
  • As an authenticated user I should be able to access an events calendar
  • As an authenticated user I should be able able to access Medical emergencies Page with an updated UI

Sprint 6

  • As an authenticated user, upon logging, I should be able to view the news feed from the Dashboard, in order to access a twitter feed.
  • As an authenticated user, upon logging in, I should be able to access a schedule calendar, in order to view my placement schedule information.
  • As an authenticated user, upon logging in, I should be able to access an events calendar, in order to view general university events.
  • As an authenticated user, upon logging in, I should be able to access an events calendar, in order to add personal events.

Sprint 7

  • As an authenticated user, when I open the app, I should be able to login in via Microsoft, in order to access the student placement app.
  • As an authenticated user, upon logging in, I should be able to submit an emergency along with my current location in order to receive help from supervisors.
  • As an authenticated user, when I open the push notifications page, I should be able to see if there is an event today in order to access event and schedule information and confirm.
  • As an authenticated user, when I navigate to all the pages I should have access to a forehead/navigation bar in order to have a uniform UI.
  • As an authenticated user, when I submit my emergency message, It should be cleared from the text box

Sprint 8

  • As an authenticated medical student, I want to give constructive feedback/rating on doctors, so that other students can access this feedback on the doctors profile.
  • As an authenticated user, when I submit an emergency message, I should be able to toggle a button, so that I'm able to choose to include my location or not.
  • As an authenticated student, I want to access formatted notifications, so that I can filter them by time and date.
  • As an authenticated user, I want to access an updated user interface, in order to use a more updated app and be able to access notifications from the dashboard screen