Rds - SoftupTechnologies/infrastructure-components GitHub Wiki

Path: /lib/rds/index.ts

Exports: RdsInfrastructure

Required construct packages: @aws-cdk/aws-ec2, @aws-cdk/aws-rds

This construct creates a RDS database instance with your desired database engine that AWS supports. The instance by default will accept connections only from the ip ranges of the vpc. To allow extra ingress trafic in your database you need to pass an array of Security groups.

You can configure the database placement in the vpc by setting one of these two props: publicAccessible or dbSubnets. The first one will add the RDS instance in the public subnet of your vpc.


import * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';
import { RdsInfrastructure } from './rds';

export class ServerlessInfrastructureCdkStack extends cdk.Stack {
  constructor(scope: cdk.App, id: string, props: StackProps) {
    super(scope, id);

    const { vpc } = new MyVpc(this, 'MyAwesomeVpc', {
      vpcCidr: '',
      publicSubnetsNo: 2,
      maxAzs: 2,
      privateSubnetsNo: 1,

    // props include the projectName, clientName and env

    const db = new RdsInfrastructure(this, 'MyCoolDbService', {
      dbMasterUserName: 'coolUsername',
      databaseName: 'coolDatabase',
      publicAccessible: true,
      dbAllocatedStorage: 10,
      dbBackupRetention: 30,

This will create a database instance with Postgres engine and place it in our public subnets group. Since we dont define a password for our database, it will automatically generate one and store it in Secrets Manager service in AWS.

Construct props

Name Type Required Default Description
projectName string true undefined The project name, which is used to compose different names and defining keys.
env Envs { dev, stage, prod } true undefined The environment, which is used to set different properties and compose different names and keys.
clientName string true undefined The client name, which is used to compose different names and defining keys.
dbMasterUserName string true undefined Database username.
dbMasterUserPassword string false undefined Database password. If not set it will be generated automatically and will be stored in Secrets Manager
vpc ec2.Vpc true undefined The Vpc in which the database will be set.
databaseName string true undefined Name of the database that will be created.
ingressSgs ec2.SecurityGroup[] false undefined Extra security groups for the database to accept connections beside the vpc ip range.
dbPort number false 5432 Database port.
dbEngine rds.IInstanceEngine false POSTGRES Database engine.
dbSubnets ec2.ISubnet[] false undefined Subnets to place the database (sets vpcPlacement property for rds).
publicAccessible boolean false undefined Places the database in public subnets group (sets vpcPlacement property for rds).
dbInstanceType ec2.InstanceType false T2 MICRO Database server instance type.
dbAllocatedStorage number false Envs.PROD => 20, Envs.DEV => 5 Disk storage.
dbBackupRetention number false 10 Number of days for RDS service to store the database snapshots.
multiAz boolean false false Specifies if the RDS will be highly available or not.


Name Type Description
dbInstance rds.DatabaseInstance Created database instance.