Weekly_5_(26‐08‐24) - SofiAlfonso/Odissea GitHub Wiki
Tómas Gañan Rivera
Last week activities:
- 19/08/24 weekly meeting, drafting of fourth weekly report
- 20/08/24 beginig with the text recognition library implementation
- 23/08/24 finish the implementation of text recogniton
- 24/08/24 help with the image transcription implementation
Week Schedule:
To improve:
David Alejandro Ramírez
Last week activities:
- 19/08/24 weekly meeting, drafting of fourth weekly report
- 20/08/24 help with the text recognition library implementation
- 23/08/24 finish the implementation of text recogniton
- 24/08/24 start with the image transcription implementation
Week Schedule:
- 26/08/24 weekly meeting, drafting of fourth weekly report
- 27/08/24 almost end with the text recognition library implementation
- 29/08/24 finish the implementation of text recogniton
- 30/08/24 start with the image transcription implementation
To improve:
- Time optimization
Ana Sofia Alfonso Moncada
Last week activities:
- 19/08/24 weekly meeting, drafting of fourth weekly report
- 20/08/24 organize drafting of backlog requierments
- 21/08/24 election of sprint labels for requierments
- 23/08/24 start text translation implementation
Week Schedule
- 26/08/24 weekly meeting, drafting of fifth weekly report
- 26/08/24 finish main functionality of text translation implementation
- 27/08/24 sprint labels update onto github's backlog
- 28/08/24 update home and register style
- 29/08/24 start the change languages functionality for text translation implementation
To improve
- Week schedule compilance on the designated dates
- Team work and feedback