Weekly_10_(30 09 24) - SofiAlfonso/Odissea GitHub Wiki
Tómas Gañan Rivera
Last week activities:
- 23/09/24 Weekly meeting, drafting of ninth weekly report
- 24/09/24 Start investigation of Speech recognition library
- 25/09/24 Separated implementation of Speech recognition
- 26/09/24 help in the creation of form and html to audio upload
Week Schedule:
- 30/09/24 Weekly meeting, drafting of tenth weekly report
- 01/10/24 Integrate the implementation of the speech recognition function to the project
- 02/10/24 Last details of the transcript audio functionality
- 03/10/24 End details of the brand identity
- 04/10/24 Recording of 3 deliverable video
- 05/10/24 Retrospective creation
To improve:
- Sprint activities organization
- Implementation of new functionalities
David Alejandro Ramírez
Last week activities:
- 23/09/24 Weekly meeting, drafting of ninth weekly report
- 24/09/24 nav bar styles change (add icons)
- 25/09/24 use of base.html on the other templates
- 26/09/24 start the creation of the function to upload audio files
Week Schedule:
- 30/09/24 Weekly meeting, drafting of tenth weekly report
- 01/10/24 End details of how files are saved
- 02/10/24 Make the selected language stay even when the page is refresh
- 03/10/24 Update the text translation syle and implement brand identity components
- 04/10/24 Record the video for third deliverable
- 05/10/24 Retrospective creation
To improve:
- Teacher practices implementation
- conflicts management
Ana Sofia Alfonso Moncada
Last week activities:
- 23/09/24 Weekly meeting, drafting of ninth weekly report
- 24/09/24 Api key creation and exploration with different useful prompts
- 25/09/24 Creation of management/commands folder and start AI implementation
- 26/09/24 call AI implementation function from the text translator view
Week Schedule
- 30/09/24 Weekly meeting, drafting of tenth weekly report
- 01/10/24 make the examples visible on the page
- 02/10/24 Prompt updating
- 03/10/24 Third deliverable last updates
- 04/10/24 Recording of third deliverable video
- 05/10/24 Retrospective creation
To improve
- Styles implementation
- Prompt development