Retrospective1 - SofiAlfonso/Odissea GitHub Wiki
What should we continue to do?
We should continue:
completing all assignments before due date.
Having synchronous weekly meetings, Monday (to complete weekly reports) and Thursday (to help each one solve specific problems, and to have a team feedback).
Designating a task manager but working together to complete each assignment.
What should we start doing?
As team members we should start dedicating at least three hours per week each one, to project functionalities development.
We should start using backlog, to let team members know what we are working on.
We should start using Git Hub roots to develop first functionalities.
We should start drafting personal weekly reports and not group.
We should start reporting advances and problems on WhatsApp team group daily, to know what each member needs and have made.
What should we stop doing?
We should stop ending assignments just before the weekly meeting and start fulfilling them on dates the weekly assigned.
We should stop changing (adding, updating or removing) project functionalities each time we think is appropriate.
We should stop to delay the development of project functional requirements.
We should stop having distraction times during meetings, instead, after the weekly meetings, if each member finishes their assigned tasks, we should have a team leisure activity.