General config - SoKnight/PEconomy GitHub Wiki


This page describes the main configuration file of this plugin. Here you can configure the database connection, hooks, any other features and more additional things. The latest configuration file revision can be found here.

Database connection setup

Firstly you should configure connection to your database. Specify an actual type of database used by you in the type parameter value.

Currently PEconomy has supported next types of database:

#ID Name Represents
sqlite SQLite Local file
mysql MySQL Standalone server
postgresql PostgreSQL Standalone server

Every database type has own connection preferences below the type key. Don't forget to change default values to your actual credentials.

Localization selection

Next section messages gives you an ability to change the localization to one of default. You can learn more about that here.

Hooks configuration

Same named section represents a configuration of any hooks into external plugins. Just now my plugin only can register own PAPI Expansion and Vault Economy service.

Hiding unknown currencies

If you have deleted already used currency then this currency still be displayable in the /balance command output. But if this option is enabled then this unknown currency will be hidden from the player wallet.

Amount format

This option configures display of all amounts in all plugin messages. You can edit this value to change an actual format of all amounts that will be displayed in the chat.

Holding status updating

If you doesn't want to link a player wallet to him UUID then you should ignore this section. Here you can change the wallet holding status updating method to link all player wallets to UUIDs of holder players.

Transactions history

This section configures the transactions history plugin feature. Here you can just disable that or change the date formatting in the chat.

Transaction source hiding

Transactions history browser also shows a source of every transaction. A transaction source means a performer of this action.

You can hide some staffs from the transactions history. If the staff's player name contains in the staffs list then this name will be hidden in the history browser output. The hidden name stub determined by the value option in this section.