z2015 Links and Resources - SoCraTesUK/socrates-uk GitHub Wiki

Links and Resources

Deliberate Practice

Code comprehension survey

Working and living differently (working less)

Nonviolent communication

Thanks to all who came along to the session on Nonviolent communcation.

The wikipedia article gives a good introduction.

Laura Harvey is an NVC trainer based in Oxford who offers the two day foundation training on a regular basis. Highly recommended!

I used NVC Dancefloors to explain NVC.

There are lots of videos on youtube, here's a ten minute introduction.

The Centre for Nonviolent Communication coordinates NVC training internationally.

If you have questions feel free to connect on twitter @dgheath21. Thanks! David Heath

Companies who do developer exchanges/craftsman swaps

Places That Want To Do Developer Exchanges

DevOps & Infrastructure (for e.g. Docker)

Get into Docker – A Guide for Total Newbies
Docker for Total Newbies Part 2: Distribute Your Applications with Docker Images
Why not build #OpenJDK 9 using #Docker ?

XP Practices & Values

Following from @mashooq's session Here is the survey Here is the results from the votes https://www.dropbox.com/s/jsql6gz1nhg9n4x/2015-06-05%2011.54.13.jpg?dl=0

TDD with Lego

A discussed with a few people here is the presentation on TDD with Lego. There is a paid for version from InfoQ Live Sessions which covers the refactoring side a lot better http://www.informit.com/store/test-driven-development-tdd-refactoring-and-pair-programming-9780134035390 (Sorry for promotion but I found this sessions very interesting)


Here's the simple example code I showed in the ReactJS/Flux session https://github.com/tomphp/phpbook-prototype/tree/master/reactjs

link to oscars experiment with react and rxjs https://github.com/oscarduignan/react-rxjs-elasticsearch-faceted-search-example


http://www.fusion-reactor.com/ Great tool for JVM monitoring and insight version 6 in beta it's going to rock production :)

Functional Calisthenics

A brief summary of Functional Calisthenics is now available from my blog http://blog.ninjaferret.co.uk/2015/06/05/Introducing-Functional-Calisthenics.html


Great resource for what to do as activities inside retrospectives: http://plans-for-retrospectives.com/

Book by Pat Kua, good review of various retrospective types, great set of references as well: https://leanpub.com/the-retrospective-handbook

Modeling music

Slides http://www.slideshare.net/PedroSantos205/leanmusictheorybycoding2

Modeling by Example

This the BDD talk I mention in my lightning talk about using Gherkin to Explore new languages https://skillsmatter.com/skillscasts/5899-modelling-by-example

Concourse CI

CI that scales with your project http://concourse.ci/

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