z2014 Links and Resources 2014 - SoCraTesUK/socrates-uk GitHub Wiki
Links and Resources
When is it worth investing in reducing maintenance costs?
- Blog article giving overview and linking to downloadable code+data.
Bounded Contexts and DDD
- Book about DDD and bounded contexts : [Vaughn Vernon - Implementing Domain Driven Design] (http://www.amazon.com/Implementing-Domain-Driven-Design-Vaughn-Vernon/dp/0321834577)
Extreme Startup
Here are some resources for anyone who wants to run this again
Retrospective blog posts
- "Test Driven Life" https://medium.com/@guy127917/d869e24e01e3
- "Mindful Development" https://medium.com/@guy127917/mindful-development-f1c90da5f3e4
Event Storming
- Further readings about Event Storming : Alberto Brandolini 's blog post
MobProgramming (presented by Gianfranco Alongi)
Erlang (presented by Gianfranco Alongi)
The impact of experience on software developer performance
- Papers describing experiment, slides and experiment material (years 2006/2007)
- Groups publishing data in Empirical Software Engineering. There are individuals dotted around the world.
- [Greg Young, the inventor of CQRS] (http://codebetter.com/gregyoung/2010/02/16/cqrs-task-based-uis-event-sourcing-agh/)
- [Martin Fowler on CQRS] (http://martinfowler.com/bliki/CQRS.html)
- [Some notes on CQRS/ES class] (http://www.agilification.com/file.axd?file=2010/8/CQRS+DDD+Notes+Greg+Young.pdf)
SonarQube - to improve code quality!
- [Slides] (http://bit.ly/1lk8NDW)
Radiation hardened code (lightening talk by Derek Jones)
- Cosmic rays cause electronic devices to experience random bit flips
- Two bit flips will go undetected by Internet CRC checks around one in 10^17 bytes
- It is possible to write programs whose behavior is unchanged when any byte is removed from their source code
- Challenge: Write a Javascript program whose external behavior is unchanged when any single bit of its source code is flipped
Creativity & Building a Creative Environment
Resources for practicing your craft (Sebastian Larsson)
- Slideshare The presentation is based on an article written for agile record no 18. You can have a look at the article if you are interested in more information than the slides and comments give. http://www.agilerecord.com/jump-starting-tdd/
##Fundamentals of western music theory *Can we learn by creating a code model?
##Behavioural economics links Predictable irrational book
Coursera "A Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior" - the course is over now, but you can still watch lectures and do it even though there will be no grading.
My slides from lightening talk
Remote Pairing (Pawel Duda)
#pairwithme - Twitter hashtag for remote pairing
tmate - terminal sharing tool (works well for vim or emacs)
screenhero - screen sharing tool (works well for IDEs like IntelliJ or Eclipse)
Self Care
React + Reflux talk on Friday
- https://github.com/oscarduignan/react-rxjs-elasticsearch-faceted-search-example example from Oscar showing how he is using React and RxJS as an alternative to React and a Flux implementation