z2013 Links and Mentions - SoCraTesUK/socrates-uk GitHub Wiki Links Euler Problems - interesting mathematical problems, good for practicing functional programming Cyber Dojo - for practising coding without your IDE [Personal responsibility process] (http://www.christopheravery.com/responsibility-process) - for more information about how you can use this process for your own benefit and that of others [Funny roleplay session on personal responsibility] - this is a video of a session we do on conferences about recognizing and dealing with personal responsibility Talks Richard Hickey: Simple vs Easy -- did you mean this one: Simple Made Easy? Yaron Minsky: Effective ML Session resources Alastair Smith: Teaching and Learning Software Development (slides) Blog posts Alastair Smith: SoCraTes UK 2013. A bit of a brain dump of my experiences at SoCraTes this year. Alex Bolboaca: Raising the Bar At SoCraTes UK. My take on Software Craftsmanship and a brief description of interesting events from the conference. Mani Sarkar: [SoCrates UK 2013 – my experiences!] (http://neomatrix369.wordpress.com/2013/09/27/socrates-uk-2013-my-experiences/) - a part of my experience at Socrates UK 2013 i.e. The "Refactoring TDD habits" session captured in a blog post.