Main page GUI - Snykkk/Dungeons GitHub Wiki
The main page GUI opens upon running the command /da edit and will display various configurable options for the dungeon. Here are what they do, in order:
Set displayname - Sets the name of the dungeon. This is different from the ID that you used when initially creating the dungeon. It will only appear in the scoreboard to the left.
Set key - Sets the name of the key required for dungeon entry. By using the dungeon item, create a new item in the items folder, after which, it can be configured accordingly. There is already an example in the file, a test item to serve as guidance for how to edit items.
Set min players - Set the minimum players required for the dungeon to start. It should be noted that unless in a party, two people cannot join the same dungeon at the same time, regardless of how many empty spots there are.
Set max players - Set the maximum number of players allowed at a time in the dungeon. The dungeon will become available to use again after the party of players completes it.
Requirements - Set different types of requirements for a player to be able to join the dungeon. Upon failing to meet the conditions, the player will receive the message “You are not eligible to join.” Currently, one can set the following:
- Level - set the minimum level required for a player to be able to join the dungeon (you can pair this with a command at the end of the dungeon, to be run, that deducts a certain amount of levels upon finishing the dungeon)
- Permission - if you have a plugin that deals with permissions, the dungeon plugin will check for players having a specific permission before allowing them entry
- MMOCore Level (Required MMOCore Plugin)
- SkillAPI Level (Required ProSkillAPI Plugin)
- SkillAPI Class (Required ProSkillAPI Plugin)
- Placeholder (Required PlaceholderAPI Plugin)
Description - Set a description for the specific dungeon. The description will only be visible upon opening the dungeon list with the /dungeon menu command, upon hovering over said dungeon.
Rewards - Upon finishing the dungeon, all players that participated in it will be granted a set of rewards. Currently, the rewards can be of the following types
- Dungeon Items - items that can be found and made in the item.yml file of the plugin (this was covered earlier)
- MythicMobs Item - items from the MythicMobs plugin
- Material Item - vanilla items from Minecraft itself
- Command - use command reward from another plugin
- Broadcast - this will broadcast a message to the players that completed the dungeon
- Exp - differing from Level only through the fact that you have more customizability when deciding how much a player should level up. While Level gives the player a specific amount of levels, experience scales differently and is required more and more of as a player levels up
- Level - a specific amount of levels can be granted to each player
- MMOItems - items from the MMOItems plugin
- MMOCore Level, Skill points, Class points
Finish command - Set one or multiple finish commands that will be run upon completion of the dungeon.
Start command - Set one or multiple start commands that will be run at the start of the dungeon.
Quit command - Set one or multiple start commands that will be executed when a player quit the dungeon.
Set Cooldown - The time in seconds that the dungeon waits before starting, upon the necessary number of players appearing inside it. It should be noted that once the minimum number of players appear in the dungeon, the timer starts. If less than the amount of players required are present, the dungeon will remain in a “Waiting for players” state.
Set Ending - The time in seconds that the dungeon waits, after the official completion of the last objective, before teleporting the players to the finish location.
Set Expire - The time in seconds that players are allowed inside a dungeon. If the players do not finish the last objective before the time runs out, they will be kicked out of the dungeon.
Set Delay - The time in seconds that all players must wait before rejoining a dungeon. Useful in order to avoid congestion or create dungeons that are available only after specific periods of time (daily, weekly dungeons).
Set Lives - The number of times the player can respawn within the dungeon. Once the final life runs out, the specific player will be kicked out of the dungeon.
Respawn Time - If you want to prevent the player from respawning immediately, you can set a respawn time. This is how much time the player will be stuck as a “corpse” and how long the other players have to revive him before actually becoming a corpse.
Salvage Item - Drag an item into the newly opened GUI. Said item will be used when attempting to revive a fallen player. It should be noted that this functionality does not work without the next option being set to true.
Corpse - Enable this option if you want a corpse to be created upon player death. The corpse will contain the items of the player.
Keep Inventory - Enable this option if you want to remove any death penalty. Upon dying and not being revived, a player will respawn with all of their items and levels.
Scoreboard - If you want to disable the information interface on the right, set this option to false. The dungeon will progress as normal but no information regarding other players’ health, dungeon stage or objective info will be displayed.
Loot Chests disappear - Upon opening and then closing a loot chest, the said chest will disappear. Useful in certain scenarios but overall quite disadvantageous if your players are loot goblins.
Join location - If enabled, players will return to the location they were at before joining the dungeon. This will bypass any location set by the Set finish location.
Without Inventory - If enabled, players will join the dungeon without their inventory.
Breakable Blocks - If enabled, blocks can be broken or placed. This will be rolledback after the dungeon ends.
Respawn Location - Set respawn location on previous or current stage. If set previous stage, the player will respawn at the respawn location of the previous stage. If set current stage, the player will respawn at the respawn location of the current stage.
Score Messages - Enable/disable score messages.
Set lobby location - Set this location where you are standing. This location will be where players appear when first joining the dungeon and will remain in that area until the dungeon properly starts.
Set start location - Set this location where you are standing. This location will be where players appear when the dungeon has started. This is the official starting point.
Set finish location - Set this location where you are standing. This location will be where players will be teleported upon finishing the dungeon. If Join location is enabled, players will bypass this part.
Portal in arena - A simple way of allowing players one-sided travel from one location to another. It has the following parameters to set:
- From - set the location that players will enter the portal from
- To - set the location that players will be teleported to
- Range - set the maximum distance a player can be in the From location, in order for the portal to transport them
Lootchest - Create more loot chests in the dungeon.
Custom spawner - Create more custom spawner in the dungeon.
Status - If enabled, the dungeon will work.
Save - You should save all changes before exit Edit GUI.